Direct Bonding Metal Bracket Standard. 10 Kit

  • Out-of-Stock
  • Out-of-Stock
  • Leone-Bracket-Metalico-Cementado-Directo-1

Data sheet

Direct Bonding Metal Bracket Standard. 10 Kit

Recommended price: 527,96€
Offer: -15,00 %   448,76 €

435,30 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes not included

478,83 € Your final price for being an OC+ Member *Taxes included

Direct Bonding Metal Brackets Standard. Roth .022". 10 Cases

  • VKL-F2411-94
VKL-F2411-94 Direct Bonding Metal Bracket Standard. 10 Kit | Roth .022" Standard Out of Stock
VKL-F2471-94 Direct Bonding Metal Bracket Standard. 10 Kit | Ricketts .018" Standard Out of Stock
Leone offers a wide selection of D.B. brackets with all the options for traditional techniques.
Standard metal brackets are brazed with a special palladium base alloy to 80 gauge mesh sintered pads to assure high bond strength to the tooth with any kind of adhesive.
Bonding pads are anatomically contoured for a perfect fi t to the tooth.
Brackets with hook are manufactured with MIM® (Metal Injection Moulding) technique which Leone is a leader of.
All the other types of standard metal brackets are manufactured from stainless steel profi les medical degree by means of computer aided
Smooth and rounded contours to guarantee the maximum comfort for the patient and to facilitate the elimination of the plaque.
The pre adjusted brackets feature a distal-gingival identifi cation dot to simplify the application in the mouth.
All Leone brackets are supplied in pleasant and ergonomic packages.

All brackets are exclusively sold in original Leone packaging:
kits of 1, 10, 25, 50 cases and refill packages of 10.
Each single-case kit is sealed closed, providing a guarantee
of hygiene and cleanliness when opened in the presence
of the patient. The back label displays the product code,
description, lot number and product symbols.
The 10-case kits are made with ABS plastic. A large label on
the kit cover displays the product code, description and lot
number; the same information is also clearly displayed on
the front drawers of the conveniently stackable Leone kits.
Inside the trays, a clear plastic cover protects the brackets,
as well as provides information pertaining to their correct
placement. Reviews with

Product Details


Specific References

Roth .022 Estandar. 10 Casos
Roth .022" Standard
Roth .022" Standard
Roth .022" Standard
Roth .022 Estandar. 10 Casos
Roth .022" Standard. 10 Kits
Leone dispone de una vasta gama de brackets C.D. para todas las técnicas tradicionales. Los brackets de metal estándar están soldados con una especial aleación a base de paladio sobre malla 80 mesh sinterizada, para asegurar una fuerte adhesión al diente con cualquier tipo de composite. Las bases están contorneadas anatómicamente para adaptarse perfectamente a la anatomía de cada pieza. Los brackets con gancho son obtenidos por la tecnología MIM® (Metal Injection Moulding) de la cual Leone es líder. Todos los demás brackets de metal estándar son obtenidos de perfil de acero inox de calidad medical, por medio de máquinas computerizadas. Las superficies son redondeadas y lisas para ofrecer el máximo confort al paciente y para agilizar la eliminación de la placa. Los brackets pre-angulados tienen la identificación disto-gingival coloreada para simplificar el posicionamiento en boca. Todos los brackets Leone se suministran en envases ergonómicos. Los kits de un caso tienen el cierre hermético, su apertura en presencia del paciente asegura higiene y limpieza. La etiqueta puesta sobre la confección trae la descripción, el número de lote y la simbología relativa al producto.
Leone offre une large gamme de brackets à coller pour toutes les techniques traditionnelles. Les brackets à coller métalliques standard sont brasés avec un spécial alliage de palladium sur base grillagée 80 trous, sintérisée pour garantir une adhésion parfaite à la dent en utilisant n’importe quel composite. Les arêtes anatomiques des bases s’adaptent de façon optimale à l’anatomie de la dent. Les brackets avec crochet sont fabriqués selon la technologie MIM® (Metal Injection Moulding) dont Leone est leader. Tous les autres brackets métalliques standard naissent d’un profile en acier inoxydable de grade médical à l’aide de machines informatisées. Les surfaces sont arrondies et polies de manière spéculaire afin de garantir le confort maximum pour le patient et de favoriser l’élimination de la plaque. Les brackets pré informés ont l’identification disto-gingivale colorée pour simplifier leur application en bouche. Tous les brackets Leone sont vendus en esthétiques et ergonomiques conditionnements.
Leone offre una grande varietà di attacchi D.B. per tutte le tecniche tradizionali. Gli attacchi di metallo standard sono brasati con una speciale lega al palladio su retina 80 mesh sinterizzata per assicurare una forte adesione al dente con qualsiasi composito. Le basi sono anatomicamente contornate per ben adattarsi all’anatomia del dente. Gli attacchi con gancio sono ottenuti con la tecnica MIM® (Metal Injection Moulding) di cui Leone è leader. Tutti gli altri tipi di attacchi di metallo standard sono ottenuti da profi lo di acciaio inossidabile grado medicale con l’ausilio di macchine computerizzate. Le superfi ci sono arrotondate e lucidate specularmente per garantire il massimo comfort per il paziente e per facilitare l’eliminazione della placca. Gli attacchi preinclinati hanno l’identifi cazione disto-gengivale colorata per semplifi care l’applicazione in bocca. Tutti gli attacchi Leone sono forniti in gradevoli ed ergonomiche confezioni. Confezioni Tutti gli attacchi sono esclusivamente venduti nelle confezioni originali Leone. I kit da un caso hanno la chiusura sigillata, la sua apertura in presenza del paziente dà garanzia di igiene e pulizia. L’etichetta posteriore riporta la descrizione, il numero di lotto e la simbologia relativa al prodotto. I kit da 10 casi e oltre sono in ABS. Sul coperchio si trova una grande etichetta con le informazioni del prodotto; il codice, la descrizione ed il lotto sono riportate anche sul fronte del cassetto in quanto tutti i cofanetti Leone sono impilabili. Sui fondi interni, con controstampo trasparente a protezione degli attacchi, sono chiaramente indicati i riferimenti per il posizionamento in bocca.
Leone offers a wide selection of D.B. brackets with all the options for traditional techniques. Standard metal brackets are brazed with a special palladium base alloy to 80 gauge mesh sintered pads to assure high bond strength to the tooth with any kind of adhesive. Bonding pads are anatomically contoured for a perfect fi t to the tooth. Brackets with hook are manufactured with MIM® (Metal Injection Moulding) technique which Leone is a leader of. All the other types of standard metal brackets are manufactured from stainless steel profi les medical degree by means of computer aided machines. Smooth and rounded contours to guarantee the maximum comfort for the patient and to facilitate the elimination of the plaque. The pre adjusted brackets feature a distal-gingival identifi cation dot to simplify the application in the mouth. All Leone brackets are supplied in pleasant and ergonomic packages. Packages All brackets are exclusively sold in original Leone packaging: kits of 1, 10, 25, 50 cases and refill packages of 10. Each single-case kit is sealed closed, providing a guarantee of hygiene and cleanliness when opened in the presence of the patient. The back label displays the product code, description, lot number and product symbols. The 10-case kits are made with ABS plastic. A large label on the kit cover displays the product code, description and lot number; the same information is also clearly displayed on the front drawers of the conveniently stackable Leone kits. Inside the trays, a clear plastic cover protects the brackets, as well as provides information pertaining to their correct placement.
Leone bietet eine grose Auswahl an D.B.-Brackets mit allen Moglichkeiten fur traditionelle Behandlungstechniken. Die Standard-Metallbrackets sind mittels einer speziellen 80 %igen Palladiumlegierung auf gesinterte Gitternetz-Klebepads gelotet, welche mit samtlichen Adhasiven eine hohe Haftfestigkeit am Zahn gewahrleisten. Die Klebepads verfugen uber eine anatomische Konturierung fur eine optimale Positionierung am Zahn. Brackets mit Haken werden im MIM®-Verfahren (Metal Injection Molding) gefertigt, dessen fuhrender Anwender Leone ist. Alle anderen Arten von Metallbrackets werden aus biokompatiblem Edelstahl mithilfe computergesteuerter Maschinen gefertigt. Glatte und abgerundete Konturen gewahrleisten einen maximalen Patientenkomfort und erleichtern die Entfernung von Plaque. Die vorprogrammierten Brackets weisen einen farbigen distal-gingivalen Identifikationspunkt auf, um das Einbringen in den Mund zu vereinfachen. Alle Leone-Brackets werden in ansprechenden, ergonomisch gestalteten Verpackungen geliefert.
Leone tem uma ampla gama de brackets C.D. para todas as técnicas tradicionais. Os brackets de metal padrão são soldados com uma liga especial à base de paládio na malha sinterizada de malha 80, para garantir uma forte adesão ao dente com qualquer tipo de compósito. As bases são anatomicamente contornadas para se adaptarem perfeitamente à anatomia de cada peça. Os brackets com gancho são obtidos pela tecnologia MIM® (Metal Injection Moulding) da qual Leone é líder. Todos os outros brackets de metal padrão são obtidos de perfis de aço inoxidável de grau médico, por meio de máquinas computadorizadas. As superfícies são arredondadas e lisas para oferecer o máximo conforto ao paciente e agilizar a remoção da placa. Os brackets pré-angulados têm a identificação disto-gengival colorida para simplificar o posicionamento na boca. Todos os brackets Leone são fornecidos em recipientes ergonômicos. Os kits de um estojo são hermeticamente fechados, sua abertura na presença do paciente garante higiene e limpeza. A etiqueta colocada na embalagem traz a descrição, o número do lote e a simbologia relacionada ao produto. Reviews with