Closed Coil Springs .012"x.030" 12 mm. Heavy. 10 Units
Titanium Molybdenum Straight Lenghts .032". 5 Units
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Passive MBT .018" UR1 17°T 4°A. 5 Units
Aesthetic Stop 2mm Max .020" Wires. 10 Units
Fresa InterProximal
Copper Ni Ti Archwires 35ºC Universal with Stops .014"x.025". 10 Units
EasyClip+ Self-Ligating Single Bondable Buccal Tube Passive Roth .022" UR -10T° 0°A 8°OFF. 1 Unit
Easyclip+ Self-Ligating Metal Bracket Passive Roth/MBT .018" UR4/5 with Hooks -7°T 0°A. 5 Units
Stop Opened. 10 Units
Orthodontic De-Bonding Kit. Included 9 Burs with Organizer
Arco Acero Trenzado 8 Hilos Forma Natural